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Demands of Mobile-Commerce use among the Students

Author :
  • Nyoman Trisna Herawati
  • Naswan Suharsono
M-commerce also allows businesses to target consumers by location, service provider, the form of computer they are using, and other parameters. It can be a powerful method of marketing. The trend to innovation was the growing use of mobile and telecommunications devices, and that transition leads to the growth of international trade. Many of these programs can make students reach their interpersonal well-being quickly and in particular, and can also simplify their learning cycle. Students generate a significant percentage of online users, but in certain instances, their presence in M-commerce is not seen or heard. The study developed the students' Mobile Trade Services and described the difficulties students face while using M-commerce. The study indicates that because students own mobile devices and can obtain mobile services as they have capabilities, the university will tackle many of the aforementioned challenges of providing a favorable mobile business climate for the students.
Keywords : M-Commerce, e-commerce, students, and mobile
Volume 1 | Issue 3